According to recent numbers the total amount of student loan debt owed is more than one and a half trillion dollars . That adds up to more than 5 million dollars for every person in the country. Student loan debt has become such an epidemic that generations are figuratively born into it. As millenials and Gen Z’ers are contemplating and/or ending their college careers, making the wrong career choice can cost more than what it’s worth. Once you add rising inflation that cost is even higher .
Public Service Loan Forgiveness is something that has been topping headlines throughout the year and has effectively helped more than half a million borrowers get their finances to a sense of normalcy. For many, especially those who have worked more than a decade in public service careers like teaching, policing, emergency response, or the medical field, this can be a lifeline. As a matter of fact an additional $2,000,000,000 has just been added to the already massive funds set aside for distressed graduates. You can see if you are one of the borrowers who will be getting some much needed relief by checking your inbox or with your current student loan servicers.